SVETOGLAS -The Mystery of Bulgarian Polyphony©

With its unique voices and magnetic stage presence, with its diverse program and different interpretation of tradition, the Svetoglas Quartet ranks among the most popular and beloved Bulgarian folklore formations. The singers present a unique panorama of the different musical dialects and styles of traditional Bulgarian folklore art and old church music.

The formation was created in 2009 by Daniel Spasov and Milen Ivanov – soloists of the world-famous choir „The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices“. It is joined by young singers Stanimir Ivanov and Nikolay Boyanov. The original creative searches of the formation translate the ancient Bulgarian musical tradition with its various colors and nuances into modern language.

What is new in the vocal and stage practice of the formation is the presentation for the first time of musical works from folklore culture that have never been heard before. These are songs from the oldest Bulgarian folklore layer, polyphonic works based on tradition, improvisations, ancient monodic and harmonic Church Slavonic chants.

Extremely successful in our country and around the world are the series of their concerts under the motto „The Mystery of Bulgarian Polyphony“. Their voices sound equally well both in large churches and cathedrals, and in prestigious concert halls and festivals.

In 2012, the first album of „Svetoglas“ was released, called „The Wheel of Life“. In 2014, at the invitation of the Greek music company „Music Reserve“, the formation recorded the project with church chants „Prayer of the Lord“. In 2019, the singers realized their third musical project with concert recordings „The Song of the Nightingale“.

In 2013, the formation „Svetoglas“ carried out an extremely successful tour in Russia. The demanding audience in the large concert halls and philharmonics of the cities of Samara, Togliatti, Vologda, Kazan, Perm and Yekaterinburg applauded the performances of the four singers.

The following year, the Svetoglas Quartet received a special invitation to participate in the Music of Faith festival in Kazan and participated in the opening of the exhibition Thracian Gold from Bulgaria – Legends Come to Life in the State Historical Museum of Moscow.

The solo tours of „Svetoglas“ in Norway, Russia, Spain, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy, Colombia, Hungary, Turkey, Sweden, France, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, at the festival for sacred music in Drammen – Norway, at the festival for church music „Maestro de la Roza“ in Oviedo (Spain), at the international music festival in Cartagena (Colombia), at the festival „Tri Kulturi“ in Murcia (Spain), at the international festival for church music „Fausto Flamini“ in Rome (Italy), at the international festival „Musiche della Terra“ in Ceriana (Italy), on the podium of the prestigious hall of the „Juan March“ Foundation in Madrid (Spain) are extremely prestigious.

Along with their international appearances, they have many concerts in Bulgaria, recordings on the Bulgarian National Radio, appearances on the Bulgarian National Television.

„Svetoglas“ – this is a spontaneous expression of the Bulgarian folklore tradition, the beauty and mysticism of old music and its contemporary vocal and stage interpretation.

Over the years, the singers Yanko Yankov, Ivaylo Madzharov, Viktor Tomanov, Pavel Madzharov and Tihomir Borisov have sung in the formation.